“Has anyone ever done such a horrible job that all of the work had to be scrapped?” I’ve graduated past asking that question, but thoughts like these appear whenever I agree to do bold, uncomfortable sh*t.
I’m beyond grateful to Keith Townsend (@ctoadvisor) for the opportunity to present, but giving a session at CTO Advisors Virtual Conference (#CTOAVC) was that kinda thing. While I sat on a panel last year with some of my favorite NetApp A-Teamers, #CTOAVC was the first time I wrote the content and presented it.
Honestly, the preparation process was brutal. I’d love to blame it all on homeschooling and being shut-in, but I made some rookie mistakes. For instance, I saved the video, the part I feared most until the end. Because I had never recorded content before I vastly underestimated how long it would take. 11 minutes of video took over 8 hours to record.
Anyhow, here are some tips that I learned from this process.

But, this journey has proved to me that I can record video. Yes, I have serious room for improvement, but it’s not impossible. To capture where I am in this process, I published a YouTube video of a few of the many outtakes.
For someone that has hangups about feeling unworthy to be heard and seen, recording and share a session is serious progress. Also, I created memories with my son.
He interrupted my recording at multiple points including one where he told me that I sounded like a “Spice Girl.” After that recording flopped, we “offbeat” danced to the Spice Girls “Wannabe.” Seriously, how many more years to have to bound with my kids over Spice Girls.
Most importantly, though, recording this video moved me closer to believing in my voice while also showing my kids how to do bold, uncomfortable sh*t. A total win!