An invite to attend Pure Accelerate, as part of a Storage Field Day Exclusive, popped up in my inbox. Usually, invites to Tech Field Day events inspire hand-flapping joy. This invite though, immediately, caused me to pause and consider. Can I even attend this event?
Not only am I a huge fan of NetApp, but I’m also on the NetApp A-Team. I have the polo shirts, swag, and deep loyalty to my NetApp family to prove it. Would attending a competitor’s storage event makes me a traitor?! Would others perceive me as an opportunist? Am I actually an opportunist for considering the invite?
Before I ventured too far into self-loathing, I switched to contemplation of the reasons that I could attend Pure Accelerate and the value that I could bring.
Tribalism Everywhere
In Politics
In the days of Dubya’s presidency, I regularly listened to conservative talk radio. The words of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levine kept me company during my commute. Although my opinions never changed, I enjoyed gaining an understanding of viewpoints different than mine.
Today, I can’t listen to any kind of political talk radio. Opposing sides are either deplorable racists or a bunch of America-hating nut jobs. No longer are we good people with different opinions.
You’ve probably witnessed similar tribalism in IT among competitors. Maybe, you saw it in the controversy surrounding sponsorship for the #VMworld backpacks.
Aren’t we all working towards the same goals of solving problems and creating solutions that potentially will make the world a better place? There can be only one [x], right?! No! Competition drives innovation. Be grateful for it!
Here’s Why I’m Attending
Even in my 40s, I’m still that annoying kid always wanting to know “why.” A deep psychological compulsion requires me to ask questions and understand things from multiple angles.
The idea of attending Pure Accelerate and hearing Pure’s story in their own words and not through the lens of any tribalism feels right. Expanding one’s perspectives is never wrong. Right?!